Conversation Mastery Test
By Loren Ekroth
Instructions: Rate yourself on each of these 25 proficiencies:
- almost never
- sometimes
- usually
- almost always
- 91-100 = masterful
- 81-90 = proficient
- 71-80 = competent
- 61-70 = adequate
- 51-60 = limited
- below 50 = needs to build skills
Scores in the 25-75 range
can easily improve their skills. To do so immediately, consult appropriate free articles on the website, www.conversationmatters.com
It is common for people to give themselves high scores because they don’t know how they affect others.
Another way to use this self-test is to ask others (such as friends) to give you feedback about your
conversational habits that are based upon how your conversation impacts them.