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Conversation Products

50% Off on All Products Below
(Second Editions Coming July 2015)

Getting To Know You Kit

This kit contains simple activities for helping people get to know one another and build a community of hospitality and friendship. It has been used with great success in various churches and nonprofit charitable organizations and even in retirement communities.

The kit includes guidelines and tools that can be used in both large and small groups. All processes make it comfortable for people to share about their backgrounds, their interests, and their dreams. It can be done as a stand-alone event during an afternoon or evening or as a follow-up event after a church service or potluck. It’s especially helpful for groups with new members who want to be included and known by others.

The kit has been developed and refined over a period of ten years as I received feedback comments from users. I confidently offer a 100% money-back guarantee. Satisfaction is guaranteed or your purchase price will be refunded, no questions asked.

A Conversation Kit for Churches, Associations, and Clubs to Create a Culture of Hospitality.

Downloadable e-kit $14.97
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Better Conversation Kit for Class Reunions

I have asked hundreds of people who attended a class reunion if there had been a time set aside for classmates to share best memories, turning points, and influences on their lives during their high school experience. Not one person recalled that such an event was included in their reunion.

Yet, "Approximately 150,000 class reunions are hosted each year, according to Reunion Research, a reunion company located in Auberry, California. About 27 million attend a class reunion annually. The average size of a reunion is 180 people." Amazing: All those reunions, yet the quality of talk at those is often low and the significant memories few. (To share with others about the teacher who had the greatest influence on your life is a topic that doesn’t come up in small talk.)

This kit solves that problem by easily giving the planning committee a simple low-cost way that helps attendees share special memories and insights. This time can be the highpoint of any reunion. Each kit contains clear guidelines for hosting such an event and basic materials to print out for the participants. Two decks of 40 carefully selected cards in each kit: “During High School” cards and “After High School” cards. In addition, your choice of 6 bonus processes can be used at various times during a 2-3 day reunion.

This new streamlined version of earlier kits is totally guaranteed. If you are not satisfied that these simple to reproduce materials add great value to your reunion, we will refund your complete cost. The average per person cost to produce a high school reunion was $120 in 2010. The cost of this kit is only $19.77 with full guarantee. Order now and be a hero to your planning committee.

Easy Processes for Enriching Conversations With Classmates at Reunions.

Downloadable e-kit $19.77
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Family and Friends Conversation Kit

Contains six decks of cards with 180 positive questions in 6 decks including 60 conversation-starters that draw people out ("Memory Triggers") plus instructions that explain how to conduct enjoyable conversations with groups of family or friends and agreements for regulating effective talk. The questions and starters are all positive and in no way awkward or embarrassing. Unlike other products on the market, this is not a game with winners and losers. Instead, this is a process in which everybody wins by being involved and listening to the fascinating experiences others have had.

Newly-revised and updated kit also includes suggestions for recording special conversations that can be sent to relatives and kept for posterity.

This is a great toolkit for any future gatherings or reunions of friends or family members.

Downloadable e-kit $12.77
This Conversation Tool is in Adobe PDF format and requires Adobe Reader
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Small Talk Success Tips Booklet

Handsome pocket-sized 20-page booklet filled with 125 specific, practical ideas you can use right now to master small talk skills. Great for business and professional people who feel a little awkward among strangers. Includes sections with tips on how to:

  • Prepare for small talk
  • Open a conversation
  • Gain rapport quickly
  • Expand the small talk
  • Remember names of strangers
  • Listen effectively
  • Avoid common mistakes
  • End a conversation tactfully
  • Master networking skills
  • Ask Better Questions
  • Interview people you meet
booklet cover
Immediate delivery as downloadable E-booklet: $5.95
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